
(Before Conception)

The Garbhadhana samskara is considered to be one of the most important samskaras, as it marks the beginning of the journey of a soul from the spiritual world to the physical world. It is performed to ensure the proper conception and birth of a child.

Garbhadhana is performed before the husband and wife join in the act of impregnation. The purpose is to create a favourable environment for the physical and mental growth of the child, obtain good, healthy and spiritually upright/cultured child or soul to enter the womb. The procedure involved fire yagna (havan) for purification and auspiciousness in every way for the child desired by the couple.

Garbhadhana samskara can help to purify the mind, body, and soul of the parents, and to remove any negative karmas that may have been accumulated in their past lives. It is therefore seen as an important step in the spiritual journey of the couple, as well as in the life of the child that is conceived.

Sacred Samskaras
Sacred Samskaras

Pumsavana (at 3rd month)

Sanctification of embryo and begetting healthy child

This sacrament is performed during the pregnancy of a woman. It ensures a healthy period of pregnancy, for overall growth and development of baby, prevent miscarriage and promote physical and mental health of mother. Appropriate prayers are chanted as an offering in fire yagna.

The Pumsavana Samskara is believed to be an important ritual in the life of the child, as it is believed to mark the beginning of the child's journey and to ensure a good start in life. It is also believed to strengthen the bond between the mother and the child, and to promote the overall well-being of the family.


Ghod bharai (at 7th month)

Parting the hair- husband parts wife’s hair by drawing a middle line~ This is performed as a part of Baby shower ceremony of pregnant women.

Fire yagna is performed to attain following purpose-

  • Purifies the womb- womb is made purified.
  • To obtain Saubhagya (good luck and life of baby).
  • To protect the pregnant mother: It helps to create a positive and auspicious environment for the mother and the child and promotes the overall well-being of the family.
  • To prevent premature delivery and wishing a safe and easy delivery.
  • To bless the unborn child with health, long life and intelligence.
  • Develop mental powers- aims at integral growth and development of the fetal brain and its mental processes.
  • To make the future mother mentally peaceful and happy for embryo to develop perfectly.
  • Protects the womb: It plays a protective role by chasing away from woman's mind all kinds of disturbing entities and to ward off evil spirits.

Sacred Samskaras

Sacred Samskaras

Sosyanti yagna

Safe delivery (at 9th month)

This ceremony is conducted at the end of pregnancy tenure but before the delivery of the child. This is performed so that there will be no difficulty with the childbirth and that both the mother and child will be perfectly safe. In Sosyanti-Homa ritual, appropriate mantras are chanted and offer the oblations in the fire yagna.

Sacred Samskaras

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