Sacred Samskaras

Shasthiabdapoorti Pujanam

(60th Birthday)

The marriage ceremony that is performed at the 60th birthday of a person is known as "Sashtiapthapoorthi" or "Sashtiyaptha Poorthi". It is a significant milestone in a person's life, and is celebrated as a renewal of vows and a reaffirmation of the commitment made to each other by the couple. The ceremony is usually performed by the individual's children or grandchildren.

The ceremony is performed with the belief that the couple has completed one cycle of life, and are now embarking on a new phase of life. The ceremony is also believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and longevity to the couple.

The ceremony involves various rituals and customs, including a homam or havan, where offerings are made to the fire god, and mantras are chanted. The couple is also given new clothes to wear, and the bride is adorned with jewelry and a new sari.

The couple is then seated together, and the priest performs the marriage ceremony, which includes the exchange of garlands and the tying of the sacred thread around the bride's neck. The couple is then blessed by the priest and their family members, and are showered with gifts and blessings.

Overall, the Sashtiapthapoorthi ceremony is a celebration of the couple's love and commitment, and is an important milestone in their journey together.

Bhima Ratha Shanti

Rituals performed for the couples at the start of the 70th year

The 70th year puja is called "Bheema Ratha Shanthi". It is a significant milestone celebrated by individuals who have completed 70 years of age. This puja is usually performed by the person's children or grandchildren to seek the blessings of the almighty for the well-being and longevity of the individual.

The puja involves various rituals and customs, including a homam or havan, where offerings are made to the fire god, and mantras are chanted. The priest performs the ceremony, and the person being celebrated is given new clothes to wear. The individual is then seated in a decorated car or chariot and taken around the temple or home, symbolizing their journey through life.

The ceremony also includes a symbolic washing of the individual's feet and presenting them with gifts, including fruits, sweets, and new clothes. Family members and friends also gather to bless the individual and offer their congratulations.

Overall, the Bheema Ratha Shanthi is a celebration of the individual's long and fulfilling life and is an opportunity for family members to express their gratitude and respect for the person.

Sacred Samskaras
Sacred Samskaras

Last Rites

Antyesti Samskaras (Last Sacrifice)

• Last rites, also known as Antim Sanskar, are the final ceremonies performed after the death of a person.
• When the soul (atma) leaves the body, then the body is said to be dead. The death occurs of the body and not of the soul. This is the last samskara, the last ritual associated with the body which it will purify one last time.
• This ritual is performed in order for the soul to become detached from the body and not to take on the form of ghost (Preta), as well as to make sure the departed soul is promoted to a better world.

In general, the last rites may involve the following steps:

1. Washing and dressing the body: The body is washed and dressed in new clothes. In some cases, the body may also be anointed with sandalwood paste or other fragrant substances.

2. Placing the body on a funeral pyre: The body is placed on a funeral pyre, depending on the customs followed in the community.

3. Performing the funeral procession: The funeral procession is led by the family members, who carry the body to the cremation ground or burial ground. In some communities, the procession may also include music and dance.

4. Lighting the funeral pyre: If the body is to be cremated, the funeral pyre is lit by the eldest son or another male relative of the deceased. The pyre is kept burning until the body is completely reduced to ashes.

5. Collecting and dispersing the ashes: Once the body is cremated, the ashes are collected and dispersed in a holy river or sea. In some cases, the ashes may also be buried.

6. Offering prayers and performing rituals: After the last rites are performed, family members may offer prayers and perform rituals for the peace of the departed soul. These rituals may continue for several days or weeks, depending on the customs followed in the community.

Sacred Samskaras

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